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Projetos Internacionais

Com Financiamento

Projeto Infâncias e sustentabilidades | Consultar

Projeto Fostering social inclusion for all through artistic education by developing support for students with disabilities. (INART-dis) | Consultar

Projeto Blended Short-cycle Training Courses on "Commoning Practices" (ComPra) | Consultar

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree - EMJMD - Play, Eduaction, Toys and Language | Consultar

Educación para el futuro y esperanza en la democracia. Repensar la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales en tiempos de cambio | Consultar

ECOSCOMICS | Consultar

DDP - Distributed Design Platform | Consultar




Projeto DISCO Formacion inicial de maestros y el desarrollo de competencias para educar  en la cultura  (..) democracia | Consultar

Projeto A Blog as open learning platform for the field of Early Childhood Education about Research and Innovation to support disadvantaged and diverse children | Consultar

Projeto ORacy In the School Culture ORISC | Consultar

Projeto INCLUTE | Consultar

DDMP - Distributed Design Market Platform | Consultar