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Plano de estudos

1.º Ano (1.º e 2.º Semestres)
Coordenador Tipo Horas Totais ECTS
Children’s Rights and Intercultural Education in ECE Semestral 200 8
Introduction to Early Childhood Education Semestral 50 2
Introduction to Early Second Language Acquisition Semestral 200 8
Introduction to Intercultural Education Semestral 100 4
Pedagogical approcahes to tplay Semestral 200 8
Portuguese Language** Semestral 50 2
Practices for Playful Learning Semestral 100 4
Science Communication and Dissemination Semestral 100 4
Scientific Writing and Presentations in English Semestral 100 4
Spanish Language* Semestral 50 2
Why Play Matters: The Psychology of Children’s Play Semestral 150 6
“Playwork” and Play as Therapeutic Process Semestral 200 8
Escolhas PETAL 1º ano EN

* Spanish Language
  Qualitative Research Methodology
  Quantitative Research Methodology


** Portuguese Language
    Art and Mathematics - Educational Integration

2.º Ano (3.º e 4.º Semestres)
Coordenador Tipo Horas Totais ECTS
Family, Community and Learning in Early Childhood Education Semestral 100 4
Istanbul Toy Museum Experience Semestral 100 4
Master Thesis or Intervention Project Semestral 1050 42
Sociology of education Semestral 100 4
The role of gender (in play) Semestral 100 4
Turkish Language* Semestral 50 2